1. Go to Games.CrossFit.com and click “register now”
2. Login using the same email address and password you used during the Open or Judges Course. This is your CrossFit ID. By using the same CrossFit ID, we can keep your competition history together and improve your experience on the site.
3. Pay to register your team. The team manager will pay the total cost, and it will be up to the manager to collect from their teammates as they see fit. Registration costs $80 for any team that isn’t sponsored. Sponsored teams pay $500.
4. Send email invites to teammates. This step is built into the registration process. Make sure your teammates know to check their inboxes, and click the link provided to complete their registration.
5. Compete! Workouts will be released Sept. 8 and Oct. 6. After the release of each set of team workouts, teams will have six days to get together, complete the work and submit their scores online.
Learn more here.